What is a Special Event?
Surf Life Saving is involved in many events and activities, most involve our core activity of water safety, aquatic sport and public safety. Others are part of fundraising or social activities.
A special event is any event outside the parameters of normal club activity that involves some aspect of the surf lifesaving involvement (advice, safety or organisation)
Examples of “normal” activity can be considered as:
- Patrols, including operational support activities
- Club surf races and championships
- Club social events and bbq’s
- Club members attending carnivals
- Training for SLSA awards and qualifications
- Coaching and officiating activities for members
- Standard Branch/State Carnivals and competitions
- First Aid posts – for example at concerts or sporting events
- School picnics lifesaving patrols
‘Special events’ involve members of the public participating in an activity run by a Surf Club or a third party.
Examples of special events include:
- Ocean swims
- Sports events such as fun runs, triathlons, biathlons or beach volleyball
- Fetes, fun carnivals and public exhibitions
- Aquatic safety supervision away from the clubs patrol area
- Community Education Programs involving aquatic water safety or instruction
- Events organised by a third party that use our brand, gear, personnel etc.
As an organisation with a public safety focus and a strong community reputation, any event we conduct, or are involved with, must be seen as safe, reputable and well organised.
Insurance protection for all parties is an important part of participation in an event. Some events are becoming “creative” and insurers may not consider the activity normal for Surf Life Saving and therefore coverage may not be automatically granted. |