Curriculum Ideas, web and Skootle Links
Before the show
- Undertake a unit of work focusing on food or fibre production, farming, animal care.
- Read ‘Charlotte’s Web’.
- Undertake a unit on dinosaurs.
- Read over the show guide and plan your tour.
- Make a list of 5 jobs that farmers do. Draw a piece of farming equipment and explain its purpose.
- Do the Bubble Muffin Hand Exercise.
- Enter some of the many competitions designed specifically for students.
- Agriculture is all around us. As consumers, we depend on agriculture to provide food, clothes and other things we use every day. List some products that you use in your daily life that are produced from agriculture.
During the show
- Print out our Discovery Sheets from our website for the students to complete. Our Stewards and volunteers will be ready to answer their questions.
- Check out the Dinosaur Petting Zoo and Bubble Muffin Healthy Eating Stage Show.
- Have a go at completing the Hobart Show word search at lunchtime.
- Interview someone about their handicraft. Ask 3 questions.
- Using the Hobart Show map, keep record of where you visit.
After the show
- Draw a picture of an animal and its baby from the nursery.
- Describe your favourite animal at the show. If you were an animal what would you be and why?
- Match animals with their babies.
- Write a short summary of your day including the highlights.
- Write a newspaper report about the 2015 Hobart Show. Include your favourite exhibition/attraction. Include a catchy heading.
- At the show you saw examples of agriculture. What did you see related to agriculture and consumers?
- Discuss the way weather impacts farmers and their crops.
- Tasmanian agriculture: what grows here? What do we export?
- Technology is used all around us. Compare sheep shearing now and in the past. How has technology changed the process of shearing?
- Research the history of the BBX Royal Hobart Show.
- Design a poster for the BBX Royal Hobart Show in 2025. What will the attractions be?
- Design and make your own show bag. Include a joke, a recipe, a puzzle, a calendar, a windmill, a chatterbox, origami, paper aeroplane, etc.
- Design a competition to attract show goers.
- Conduct a survey to find out who goes to the show.
Scootle Resources (to support agriculture in the classroom)
Ref No. | Title | Year Levels | Keywords |
1145 | Food Chains: the farm | 4 | Farming |
1147 | What is a food chain? | 3,4 | Farming |
L26 | Old Bernie’s story | 2 | Farming, pond life |
2381 | Restaurant Rules | 1-4 | garden |
3455 | Green Valley Voice | 5 | Farming |
10765 | Eco Farm | 6-10 | Farming |
M009314 | Carbon Kids | 7-12 | Climate change and agriculture |
3821 | What are you eating and who might it harm? | 5-9 | Human activity and agriculture |
9314 | Eco House Challenge | 3-12 | Climate change |
TLFIDL8186 IPad- M010736 | Students design their own talking dinosaur adding own text. | P - 3 | Dinosaur |
Useful Weblinks
Everything you need to know about chickens is available here including great resources that are available free. Also available are some excellent videos about raising chooks at school.
Very useful resources about keeping all sorts of animals in schools.
Primezone provides teachers with single-point access to a range of primary industries education resources. This website is an initiative of the Primary Industries Education Foundation.
About Agriculture in the Classroom
Agriculture in the Classroom programs are implemented by state-operated programs. National Agriculture in the Classroom supports state programs by providing a network that seeks to improve agricultural literacy — awareness, knowledge, and appreciation — among PreK-12 teachers and their students.
FACE (Farming & Countryside Education) is a charity which aims to help young people learn more about food, farming and the countryside.
The Teacher's Guide-Free worksheets, printouts, lesson plans, SMARTBoard templates, and more.
Miniature Pigs and Pet Pigs in Australia
Information for budding pig owners in Australia.
A Kids Guide to Horses and Barn Animals
Information for budding pig owners in Australia.
Additional Weblinks
Meat and Livestock Australia | |
Food Connect | |
Food Wise | |
Australian Chicken Meat Federation | |
Dairy Australia | |
Australian Pork | |
Australian Eggs | |
Grain Growers | |
Seafood Services Australia | |
The story of stuff | |
LandLearn NSW | |
Families needing Farmers | |
Farmers Market Association | |
LandLearn NSW SlideShare | |
CSIRO Sustainable Farming | |
Poultry CRC | |
Sustainable Environments
LandLearn | |
Woolworths Sustainable Farming Program | |
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology | |
NSW Government Climate Change website | |
Predicting Australia's future climate | |
Climate Kids (NASA) | |
Teaching climate change | |
Further Information
See our Discovery webpage for more educational activities which stimulate students' interest in areas of research concerning the Hobart Show.
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