Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme (ADHIS)  

ADHIS is a national scheme of genetic evaluation for the dairy industry. It began in 1982 under the management of the Australian Dairy Farmers’ Federation. Data on production, ‘workability’, conformation, fertility and health is collected by breed societies and various herd recording organisations, and then forwarded to ADHIS, which calculates Australian Breeding Values (ABVs) for cows and bulls. ABVs are calculated for milk, fat, protein, milking speed, temperament, likeability, calving ease, survival, type conformation, fertility, cellcount (mastitis) and liveweight traits.

ABVs for these traits are then combined into an index called the Australian Profit Ranking (APR), according to their contribution to profit. The APR ranks bulls according to the profitability of their daughters.

ABVs are calculated using an animal model and Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (BLUP) method which is being constantly enhanced and upgraded. Each year, the ADHIS publishes lists of elite animals.

Complete lists of individual cow’s results are returned to owners through their herd recording organisation. Sire ABVs are available to dairy farmers through herd recording organisations, Artificial Breeding Centres and via the ADHIS website.

Further information from:

Australian Dairy Herd
Improvement Scheme
Phone: +61 3 9642 8042

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