General Testimonials
Roulette C
Administrative Assistant
Unseen Footwear
Sam Cawthorn
Be Motivated
Project Decscription
The Project:
Enhance an existing WordPress Theme; Simeon, a graphic artist employed by Hoegger Communications enlisted my services to improve upon their existing WordPress theme which is based on the existing Infinity theme.
I made various changes, including; implementing a static header and relocating the navigation, from running horizontally across the top to vertically down the left side. I also moved the portfolio section from the homepage to its own webpage and created an animated sub-menu to easily access the various portfolio categories.
The Client:
Hoegger Communications is an award winning, full service creative marketing and advertising agency based in Wichita Falls, Texas. Servicing local, regional and national clients, they are focused upon delivering the very best results to their clients and believe in continued education.
I liaised with Simeon who is one of Hoegger Communications Graphic Artists and an Adobe Illustrator Certified Expert.