General Testimonials
Anna Cope
The GOODista
Jeannie Lu
Community Manager
Project Decscription
The Client
The Hobart Show is the largest of several shows organised by the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania. It is a major four day event held each year at the Royal Hobart Showground in Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia.
Attracting thousands of visitors each year, the show provides a variety of attractions including agricultural exhibits, carnival rides, sideshow activities and live entertainment. It should be noted a “show” in this context refers to a trade fair with rural endeavours like livestock judging and wood chopping competitors, adjacent carnival attractions like rides.
The Project
Due to significant growth in website content the interface underwent a revision to include hyperlinks in the Main Navigation to the Showbags webpage and Education section.
The homepage also enjoyed an upgrade with the addition of a feature slideshow to highlight important content in a more prominent manner. This was effective in reducing the “cluttered box” problem the homepage suffered during 2012 and made the homepage more presentable and intuitive to navigate.