General Testimonials
Richard Péladeau
Jen Steinbach
Head Chef
The Chefscapades
Project Decscription
The Client:
Tea Selection stocks the world’s best tea as they believe their consumers deserve to experience the taste of real tea, whether it be at home or favourite cafe. They strive to end the service of low quality tea in establishments as they we believe Grounded Premium Tea provides consumers with a better quality product.
They source their loose leaf from small farms, villages and cooperatives where manual labour is the only way to harvest a crop, as they prefer to support independent growers.
The Project:
The requirement was to create a simply yet responsive newsletter template for MailChimp. It’s a simple two column layout with an introductory paragraph beneath the header. Web Design Expert designed a graphical newsletter layout and then encoding it MailChimp HTML template format.
A small amount of graphic design was required but the bulk of the project involved coding, particularly to ensure the template was responsive in a variety of Email applications.