General Testimonials
MT Sigoulis
Jacob Davidson
Head Of Marketing
Corporate Protection Australia Group
Project Decscription
The Project:
Design and code two MailChimp templates; Liz required a MailChimp template design with two variations, one for the parent company, the Antigua Group and another for its subsidiary, NCS. Adhering to the company’s Visual Identity Guidelines I first designed a template for Antigua then modified it for NCS. The main variation was the colour scheme, primarily swapping the logos and Antigua’s green for NCS’s orange.
The Client:
NCS is a national Papuan New Guinea company with 20 years of professional service delivery to the largest mining operations in the remote environments throughout the country. Operating across almost 30 sites nationwide, NCS also services the airline industry, government agencies, educational institutions and commercial businesses.
NCS works with its clients to provide; complete camp facility operations & management, quality assured commercial, corporate catering and hospitality services, camp planning, design and construction, as well as, local, national & international business support services.