General Testimonials
Richard Péladeau
Matthew Harris
Director of IT
House of Travel - Australia
Project Decscription
The Project:
To design a landing page for a marketing campaign. A straight forward landing page to capture leads and advertise BinaryTilt’s trading platform. The landing displays a list of four simple reasons why traders should join BinaryTilt and a link to the BinaryTilt website’s registration webpage
I designed the layout and encoded it as a desktop webpage with English, Chinese and Japanese language variants.
The Client:
BinaryTilt offers trading solutions for binary option traders, ranging from experienced to novice traders. They are a registered binary options brokerage who offer clients a revolutionary trading platform, which is professional, yet has a high degree of user friendliness.
Binary Options allow market participants to trade based on their view (usually short term) of a particular asset. There are a selection of assets to choose from a range of Currency Pairs, Commodities, Indices or Stocks.