
CCRN – PowerPoint Template #1

General Testimonials

I would like to sincerely thank you for all the work you have done over the years working with us on the website. The site you designed and your work over the years has been great.

Tony Van Den Enden
General Manager
Surf Life Saving Tasmania

As always Brad has done a fantastic job and delivered on time. This is not the first time we work together and when it comes to graphic designer he is my guy!

Yuval R
Sixstar Coaching & Mentoring

More Testimonials

Project Decscription

Design a PowerPoint Template

The Canadian Collaborative Research Network (CCRN) required a PowerPoint template for their speakers to easily display biographical information and findings, which includes slides involving charts and graphs.

The challenge they posed was to design a presentation which did not incorporate the colours found in their sponsors’ branding, so in determining the right look I designed three different template variations, each with a different colour scheme.  For the first template I focused on a grey and yellow palette.


View Template #1

The Client

The Canadian Collaborative Research Network (CCRN) is a non-profit academic research organization that aims to foster basic, translational, clinical and population level research efforts and generate new knowledge to improve cardiovascular care in Canada.

Project Details

  • Client: Canadian Collaborative Research Network
  • Date: 2018-04-06
  • Tags:
  • Skills: PowerPoint, Graphic Design, Animation, Image Editing, Copy Writing
  • Project: