Conditions of Entry

The Council of The Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania has approved the following Conditions of Entry to the Show Grounds, for the Royal Show and for all other occasions on which the Show Grounds are permitted to be used in accordance with the objects of the Society as laid down in its Rules:

  1. No person shall enter the Show Grounds or any part of the Show Grounds designated and set apart for any particular purpose unless he or she is the holder of a badge or other form of identification entitling him or her to enter; or has paid the prescribed fee for entrance to the Show Grounds or such designated part of the Show Grounds.
  2. Each person to whom a badge or ticket has been issued or sold shall produce such badge or ticket on demand of an authorised officer.
  3. These conditions apply to all occupants of vehicles entering the Show Grounds:
    1. An occupant of the vehicle must produce a valid vehicle Entry Permit on demand of an authorised officer.
    2. A vehicle Entry Permit is valid only for entry of a vehicle owned or exclusively controlled by the person to whom such permit was issued.
    3. An authorised officer may search any vehicle before the vehicle enters the Show Grounds, at any time when such vehicle is on the Show Grounds, and before such
      vehicle leaves the Show Grounds. Vehicles allowed to enter the Show Grounds for the purpose of unloading or loading
      must leave the Show Grounds immediately upon completion of this activity.
    4. Occupants of a vehicle on the Show Grounds shall obey all signs and notices relating to vehicular traffic and parking.
    5. Any breach or failure to comply with any of the foregoing provisions of Condition 3 shall entitle an authorised officer or member of the Police Force to remove or impound such
      vehicle, and the Vehicle Entry Permit for such vehicle shall be cancelled. The RAST reserves the right to impose penalties and fines for such breach or failure.
    6. Vehicles on the Show Grounds are entirely at the risk of their owners and occupants, and neither the RAST or any of their servants or agents shall have any liability
      whatsoever for any loss or damage to anything in such vehicle.
  4. No person other than a Life Member, Honorary Life Member, Official Guest, Member or a guest of any of the above and provided with proper identification thereof shall enter or remain on any part of the Show Grounds designated for Members of the Society.
  5. No person who has been convicted of any offence involving violence, dishonesty or moral turpitude or who is a reputed thief or pickpocket or a suspected person or who plays or attempts to play an unlawful game shall enter or remain on the Show Grounds.
  6. Any person referred to in Condition 5 and any person on the Show Grounds who:
    1. assaults any person;
    2. behaves in a riotous, indecent, offensive, threatening, abusive or insulting manner, or is drunk and disorderly;
    3. uses any profane, indecent, obscene, threatening, abusive or insulting words;
    4. in the opinion of an authorised officer or a member of the Police Force, alone or together with a group of persons, obstructs or attempts to obstruct, or acts in a manner disruptive to the proper conduct of the Royal Show or any event held at the Show Grounds;
    5. solicits alms or petitions any cause;
    6. breaches these Conditions or any part thereof;
      may be directed by an authorised officer or member of the Police Force to leave the Show Grounds. If such person refuses, fails or neglects to leave the Show Grounds forthwith on being so directed, any authorised officer or member of the Police Force may remove such person from the Show Grounds without being liable for damages in respect of such removal or the manner of such control.
  7. No person shall:
    a) damage or deface any building, erection, wall or fence on the Show Grounds;
    b) damage, break down or destroy or interfere with any trees, shrubs or flowers growing on the
    Show Grounds;
    c) drive, ride or propel any vehicle bicycle or cart on the Show Grounds without the prior
    consent of an authorised officer.
  8. No person shall carry on any business or activity on the Show Grounds without the prior consent of an authorised officer.
  9. No person shall carry or distribute any bill, placard or notice on the Show Grounds, nor post or stick any bill, placard or notice on any building, erection, wall or fence on the Show Grounds without prior consent of an authorised officer.
  10. No person shall light or maintain any fire on the Show Grounds or in any building, erection or shed thereon, without the prior consent of an authorised officer.
  11. No person shall bring intoxicating liquor onto the Show Grounds.
  12. No person shall have in his or her possession or consume intoxicating liquor whilst on the Show Grounds, except in an authorised place.
  13. Conditions 11 and 12 shall not apply to an authorised licensed person or his or her employee acting within the scope of employment.
  14. No person shall remain on the Show Grounds more than one hour after the conclusion of the event for which such person was permitted to enter the Show Grounds.
  15. These conditions shall not apply to the Councilor of the Society nor to a servant or agent of the Society or RAST acting for the purposes of and within the scope of his or her employment (an“authorised officer”).
  16. These Conditions may be varied, added to or rescinded at any time, without prior notice

General Regulations for Competitions and Exhibitors

Entering For Show

  1. Entries will be received in all sections of the Royal Hobart Show (the “Show”) subject to these regulations and the special regulations, rule and conditions appearing at the head of each section and in each class, and on the entry form, and the Society’s Conditions of Entry to the Show Grounds posted at each gate. Upon submission of an entry the Exhibitor agrees irrevocably to be bound by all applicable regulations, rules and conditions.
  2. Subject to regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule no entry may be changed by the Exhibitor after entries close unless otherwise permitted by the RAST.
  3. Unless otherwise permitted by the RAST all entries must be made in writing on forms supplied by the RAST.
  4. The entry fee set out in the Schedule of Prizes shall be forwarded with each entry. The date of closing of entries will be found in the relevant Prize Schedule. The entry fee
    becomes the property of the RAST upon its receipt by the RAST and fees for withdrawn entries or entries which do not satisfy the conditions of eligibility will not be refunded.
  5. All entry forms must be signed by the Exhibitor or his authorised agent. Where an Exhibitor is less than 18 years of age, the entry form must be signed also by the Exhibitor’s
    parent or guardian.
    Every person purporting to act as agent of an Exhibitor shall be deemed to have given a warranty of his authority to the RAST and the RAST is not required to make any inquiry as
    to that authority.
    The Exhibitor is responsible for the correctness of all information on the entry form.
  6. Restrictions on the number of entries in any section or class may be made by the RAST.
  7. Subject to the regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule, no exhibit may be entered in more than one Ordinary Class. Special Classes, Trophy Classes, and Championships do
    not count as Ordinary Classes. Should any exhibit be sought to be entered in more than one Ordinary Class such exhibit shall only compete in the first class in which its name
    appears in the RAST’s catalogue unless the RAST otherwise directs.


  1. Unless the RAST otherwise permits all exhibits must be their bone fide property of the Exhibitor at the time of entry or be held by him/her under written lease in existence at the
    time of entry and the RAST shall have the power to recognize or reject such lease as it deems fit.
  2. An exhibit which is not the bona fide property of the Exhibitor at the time of judging or held by the Exhibitor under written lease at the time shall not be entitled to compete without the prior written approval of the RAST.


  1. Neither the RAST nor the Society shall under any circumstances be liable for:
    1. the loss or death of any exhibit:
    2. any damage or injury occasioned to or by any exhibit; or
    3. any loss, damage or injury occasioned to or by any Exhibitor or person acting on his behalf.
      Without prejudice to the foregoing, if the RAST removes or causes to be removed from the Show Grounds any exhibit, then each such exhibit shall at all times remain at the sole
      risk and responsibility of the Exhibitor and the person or persons removing the exhibit shall at all times be deemed to be the agents of the Exhibitor and all acts and omissions on
      the part of such person or persons shall be deemed to be the acts and omissions of the Exhibitor. Without limiting the foregoing, the Exhibitor shall indemnify and keep
      indemnified and hold harmless the RAST and the Society from all claims whatsoever in respect of the exhibit whether arising by reason of any loss of or injury to or caused by the
      exhibit or by reason of its transportation, feeding or housing or for any other reason whatsoever.
  2. The Exhibitor enters entirely at his/her own risk. In case any exhibit whilst on the Show Grounds shall cause or be the cause of injury or damage to any other exhibit or Exhibitor or the person or property to the RAST or the Society or any members thereof or to the general public, the Exhibitor of such exhibit shall indemnify and keep indemnified the RAST and the Society from and against all damages, costs, claims, expenses and liabilities (including without limitation consequential loss and loss of profits) thereby incurred. The Exhibitor shall be liable to the RAST for any damage or loss occasioned to any of them by the exhibit or Exhibitor or any person acting on his behalf or otherwise representing him.


  1. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their family, employees and assistants are familiar with, and comply with these Regulations. Exhibitors may be penalised or disciplined for the actions of their family, employees or agents in contravention of these Regulations. “Employees” includes any person, agent or company, whether remunerated by the Exhibitor or not, engaged by, or on behalf of, the Exhibitor to carry, care for or prepare exhibits.
  2. Should the RAST be of the opinion that any rule, condition or regulation whether set out in these regulations or at the heading of a section or in a class or on an entry form has
    been broken or not observed or performed then the exhibit or Exhibitor or competitor or all or any of them may be disqualified, suspended for any period, fined, removed from
    the Show Grounds or otherwise penalised at the discretion of the RAST. Any awards may be forfeited and should this occur, any prizes, ribbons or prize cards must be returned
    to the RAST.
  3. The RAST has the power without assigning any reason to:
    1. cancel any event or class;
    2. alter the time or place at which any class or event is to take place;
    3. alter the conditions of any event;
    4. remove any exhibit from the Show Grounds;
    5. alter the date or time for the closing of entries for any section or class or for any particular entry;
    6. transfer an exhibit and Exhibitor from any class to any other class; or
    7. decline to display an exhibit.
  4. The Exhibitor shall at all times and in all respects comply with the directions and requests of the RAST. This shall, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, apply to the
    entry of the exhibit, the Exhibitor, the competitor, the conditions of event, the conduct of the Exhibitor, the conduct of the event, the decisions of the judge and the
    awarding of prizes.
  5. Should the RAST be of the opinion that:
    1. a statement which is fraudulent, false, erroneous, misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive has been made regarding an exhibit,
      whether or not the person ;making that statement was or ought to have been aware that the statement was fraudulent, false, erroneous, misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive (as the case requires); or
    2. an exhibit has or may have been tampered with or otherwise improperly dealt with, then the exhibit and the Exhibitor or either of them may be dealt with in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  6. Exhibitors must, if required by the RAST, make a statutory declaration in such form and with respect to such matters regarding their entries and otherwise as the RAST may in its absolute discretion require.
  7. The RAST reserves the absolute discretion to refuse to accept any exhibit, Exhibitor or competitor for entry in any event or class at the Show and to withdraw, disqualify,
    suspend for any period (and particularly future Shows conducted by the RAST) or otherwise penalise any exhibit, exhibitor or competitor prior to or in the course of any event
    or upon the conclusion of any event (whether before or after the event has been judged) and generally to adjudicate on and finally determine any matter whatsoever concerning or
    in any way related to the Show involving the performance or conduct of any exhibit, Exhibitor or competitor or the presence of any drug (as defined in the regulations printed
    in the relevant schedule or catalogue) in any exhibit.
  8. In exercising its aforementioned discretion the RAST may if it thinks fit refrain from:
    1. giving any reason or reasons for the exercise of its discretion;
    2. giving notice in advance of its consideration of any fact, occurrence, circumstance or state of affairs which resulted in the exercise of its discretion in a particular manner;
    3. granting a hearing (with or without legal representation) or accepting submissions (whether oral or written) on any aspect of the exercise of its discretion (including matters
      involving the withdrawal of an exhibit from an event or the imposition of a disqualification, suspension or other penalty);
    4. allowing an Exhibitor or competitor who is or may be affected by the exercise of its discretion an opportunity to examine, test, clarify, confirm, question or challenge any evidence or interview any expert or other witnesses to which the RAST may have had regard in exercising its said discretion;
    5. otherwise accommodating the Exhibitor or competitor affected by the exercise of the discretion, as required from time to time by principles of NATURAL JUSTICE. If the RAST elects in its absolute discretion to accord NATURAL JUSTICE to an Exhibitor or competitor then the RAST shall unilaterally determine the content and extent of that NATURAL JUSTICE and notify the same to the Exhibitor or competitor.
  9. The RAST reserves the right to rule at any time that any exhibit, Exhibitor or competitor may not compete. This right remains notwithstanding the RAST’s acceptance of the
    entry, its inclusion in the RAST’s catalogue or the issue by the RAST of an exhibit ticket, number or any other document.
  10. Subject to regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule, an exhibit ticket will be issued by the TAST for each exhibit unless the RAST otherwise determines. The exhibit ticket
    will state the number of the exhibit and its sole purpose is to identify the exhibit. The exhibit ticket must be produced whenever required by the RAST or the Steward in Charge
    at the time of judging.
  11. Except with the prior written approval of the RAST, no livestock or animals, other than livestock or animals entered for the Show, are permitted on the Show Grounds.
    Domestic animals belonging to Exhibitors are included in this prohibition.
  12. No person, whether the Show is open to the public or not, may ride bicycles or skateboards in the Show Grounds without prior written permission.


  1. The RAST is under no obligation to provide space for exhibits or accommodation for people accompanying the exhibits. However, if the RAST, in its discretion, does allocate space for exhibits or space for people to sleep, exhibits may be placed and people may sleep only in the areas allocated for such purposes by the RAST. Any personal belongings, equipment or property brought by Exhibitors, their employees or families, to the Show Grounds must be kept in the accommodation lockers or other areas which may be allocated by the RAST for storage purposes.


  1. The RAST may alter the judge for any particular class at any time if it deems fit.
  2. No competitor or Exhibitor or person acting on behalf of any competitor or Exhibitor shall in any way influence, consult or interfere with or attempt to influence, consult or interfere
    with the judge or endeavour to interfere with his freedom of choice or judgement.
  3. No exhibit or person in charge thereof shall be equipped with, wear or display anything which indicates the ownership of the exhibit before or during judging unless this
    practice is expressly authorised in the regulations in the relevant prize schedule.
  4. The decision of the judge as to the merits of the exhibit and the competitor shall be final and binding whether or not such decision was made or purported to be made in
    accordance with these or any other relevant regulations and no appeal may be made or order for review or similar order sought therefrom to any court of law or other body on the
    question of merit of the exhibit or on any matter arising out of or in connection with the manner in which the judge’s decision was made or purported to be made or otherwise.
  5. Subject to the regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule, the judge may award a second or third prize instead of a first prize or may withhold a prize altogether where he
    considers in his absolute discretion that such prize is not to be awarded.
  6. Subject to the regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule, should there be a tie for any placing in any event or class, subsequent placings in that event or class will be awarded
    such that the next placing will be the sum of the number of exhibits already placed plus one (For example, if two exhibits tie for first place, the next placing to be awarded is
  7. The judge may make a reserve number, by marking it as such, of the exhibit next in order beyond those to which the prizes are awarded in every class where the number of the
    entries exceeds the number of prizes offered, if, in his opinion, the exhibit is of sufficient merit to deserve a prize, he may also give commendations, in his opinion, they are
  8. Subject to Regulations 18 and 36, where a prize is disqualified, the RAST may promote to that prize the exhibit next in order, whether such exhibit was awarded a prize or
    reserve number. Exhibits next in order thereafter, whether awarded a prize or reserve number may also be promoted to the prize immediately next in order.
  9. All prize cards awarded at the Show shall be exhibited with the exhibit for the duration of the period the exhibit is required at the Show.


  1. An Exhibitor or competitor may protest against an award won by an exhibit or competitor in the same class alleging infringement of the rules or ineligibility.
  2. Subject to the regulations in the relevant Prize Schedule, protests shall be addressed to the Principal Officer and be lodged at his office in The Administration Building, Royal
    Show Grounds, Glenorchy, before 12 noon on the day after the award in question has been made or on the first day of the Show, whichever occurs later. Such protests shall be
    accompanied with a deposit of $20.00 which may be forfeited to the RAST if in the sole opinion of the Principal Officer the protest is unfounded, frivolous or vexatious.
  3. If any exhibit which has been awarded a prize is disqualified the next in order for award does not necessarily become entitled to that or any prize.
  4. The protest and all matters arising therefrom shall be determined conclusively as to all matters by the Company and shall not be the subject of any appeal to any court or
    any order for review or of a similar nature.

Fire Regulations

  1. Cooking, heating of water by any means whatsoever, the use of any device involving naked flames, and smoking are prohibited in or near any animal pavilion, stall, pen or
  2. The alteration or interference with any electrical wiring, switch, plug or socket is prohibited. The only mains powered electrical appliance which may be used in a locker is a light bulb fitted in the socket provided. Mains powered electrical appliances may only be used in or near any animal pavilion, pen or stall if they are in the RAST’s opinion, essential for animal care.

Vehicle Parking

  1. Motor vehicles including trucks, stock transports and caravans will not be permitted to remain on the Show Grounds other than by prior arrangement and at the direction of the appropriate Authorised Officer.
  2. Any vehicle, including trucks, stock transports, trailers and horse floats, and the contents of that vehicle, located on the RAST’s property or in any area leased by the RAST, shall
    be at the sole risk of the owner. The RAST accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss or damage caused by the negligence of the RAST, its officer, employees or agents to any vehicle, or the contents of any vehicle, located on the RAST’s property or in any areas leased by the RAST.
  3. Any vehicle located on the RAST’s property, or in any area leased by the RAST, in contravention of the RAST’s regulations, terms and conditions of entry or parking restrictions is an illigally parked vehicle and may be removed by the RAST, its officers, employees or agents. Any costs incurred by the RAST in moving, towing away or storing an illegally parked vehicle shall be paid by the owner of the vehicle.

Regulations Regarding Animals

Abscence of Exhibit

  1. Subject to the regulations in the relevant prize schedule, every animal entered must be exhibited unless a certificate signed by the Exhibitor is lodged with the RAST prior to the
    date of the Show, stating that the animal is unable to compete for one or more of the following reasons:
    1. The animal has died.
    2. The animal is unfit for exhibition due to injury or disease.
    3. The animal has become ineligible for the class entered.
    4. Some other cause which the RAST considers reasonable.
      After arrival at the Show Grounds an animal may be withdrawn from an event or class if it has become unfit to compete.


  2. The RAST will appoint a veterinary surgeon (or surgeons) to provide a service to Exhibitors.
  3. If an animal becomes ill or suffers an injury one of the RAST’s veterinary surgeons may attend to and treat such animal in the absence of or contrary to any authority from the owner. The RAST and its veterinary surgeons shall not be liable in any way for any damage caused directly or indirectly by or loss arising out of such attendance and treatment including without limitation the loss or death of or damage or injury to the animal.
  4. Exhibitors may employ a veterinary surgeon who is not a member of the RAST’s panel but in such instances must inform the appropriate Superintendent of the stock concerned.
  5. The RAST’s veterinary surgeons may refuse to attend and/or treat any animal. The RAST and its veterinary surgeons shall not be liable in any way for any damage caused directly or indirectly by or loss arising out of (including without limitation the loss or death of or damage or injury to the animal) the refusal failure or neglect of the RAST’s veterinary surgeons to attend or treat any animal.
  6. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the relevant Prize Schedule, only members of the RAST’s veterinary panel may give Veterinary Certificates required by the RAST.
  7. If in the opinion of one of the RAST’s veterinary surgeons an animal on the Show Grounds should be destroyed or removed from the Show Grounds the RAST shall be entitled
    to have the animal destroyed and/or removed from the Show Grounds without the consent of the Exhibitor, or shall be entitled to require the owner or his deputy at the Show
    Grounds forthwith to remove that animal from the Show Grounds. All costs incurred by the RAST in connection with such an animal shall be paid by the owner to the RAST.
  8. Nothing in Regulations 44-49 shall limit the operation and meaning of Regulation 11.

  10. Exhibitors of animals shall if requested by the RAST submit their exhibit for inspection by one of the RAST’s veterinarians. Failure to comply may render the Exhibitor liable to be dealt with in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  11. The RAST has the right to declare any animal ineligible to compete because of the health of any such animal or for any other reason which the RAST in its sole discretion
    deems fit. The RAST shall thereupon have the right to order the removal of such animal from the Show Grounds or in default thereof remove such animal at the expense and
    risk of the Exhibitor.
  12. The decision of the RAST’s veterinary surgeon regarding the age of an animal exhibit shall be final and shall not be called into question in any proceedings, or in any manner

  14. The Society may in its absolute discretion:
    1. )
      1. convey to any body any information concerning any fine, disqualification, withdrawal of a prize or ribbon, handicap, reprimand, warning or any other form of punishment imposed by the RAST or in connection with any exhibitor or exhibit;
      2. convey to any body any information concerning any investigation, injury or hearing (‘proceeding’) conducted by the RAST, whether or not the proceeding was or has been finalised and notwithstanding that the proceeding did not result in the imposition of any punishment on any person or exhibit;
      3. recognise, act upon and enforce any punishment imposed upon any exhibitor or exhibit at any time by any body;
      4. itself conduct such further proceeding in connection with any matter concerning any exhibitor or exhibit, or any person seeking to become an exhibitor or to enter any exhibit, and impose a punishment in relation thereto notwithstanding that a punishment may have already been imposed by that other body;
      5. enter into reciprocal arrangements with any body in relation to any of the matters referred to in (I) to (iv) above.
    2. For the purpose of (a), “body” includes any other society, organisation or body within or outside Australia having similar objects to those of the
      Society and in particular includes:
      1. Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria Inc,
      2. Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales,
      3. Royal National Agricultural & Industrial Association of Queensland,
      4. Royal National Capital Agricultural Society, A.C.T.
      5. Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of S.A Inc,
      6. Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia,
      7. Royal North Australian Show Society Inc,
      8. Royal National Agricultural & Pastoral Society, Launceston
      9. Any breed associations etc. or Society recognised as such by the Society.

  16. Except with the written licence of the RAST no person shall whilst on the Show Grounds, do or permit to suffer to be done any one or more of the following acts:-
    1. Give, sell, advertise, distribute, display, or canvass any goods, livestock, or matter whether for sale or otherwise;
    2. Present or advertise any entertainment, attraction or display;
    3. Solicit, canvass, advertise, or do any act, matter, or thing for the purpose of or as in inducement for incidental to the collection of money or goods;
    4. Do any act, matter, or thing to induce or calculated or designed to induce or for the purpose of inducing any person or persons to join any club, association or other body.

Regulations Regarding Animals


  1. Where space has been let to any exhibitor, the RAST reserves the right, in case such exhibitor shall fail to make or maintain an adequate or creditable display, to declare the
    space allotted to him, or any portion thereof, forfeited.
  2. The RAST reserves the right to prescribe the dimensions and regulate the positions of all signs and generally to direct the arrangement or articles on exhibition so far as the same
    may be necessary to secure harmony and an attractive appearance. No advertisement or notice for which permission has not yet been received from the Council is permitted on any stall or building.
  3. The distribution of printed or other matter or goods by any space holder or exhibitor must be confirmed to the area (detailed in the space contract) occupied by such space
    holder or exhibitor. Any other person distributing or selling printed or any other matter of goods about the Grounds or Buildings is liable to confiscation of the articles of goods
    and to ejection from the Grounds.
  4. No exhibitor or his employees will be permitted to make unseemly noises that may be considered a nuisance in calling the attention of the visitors to his exhibits, and any
    exhibitor or attendant who may be guilty of distributing advertising cards or other notices that may be considered immoral, objectionable, or in any way infringing the
    privileges disposed of by the RAST, shall forfeit his space and all other privileges, and shall be removed from the Exhibition Grounds.

  6. “Class” includes event and visa versa and also includes trophy, competition or other award.
    “Company” means RAST and, where the context allows, its officers, employees, members, officials (including without limitation judges, Stewards and veterinary surgeons
    appointed by RAST, agents and sub-contractors).
    “Principal Officer” means the RAST’s principal executive officer from time to time and any delegate of such principal executive officer.
    “Exhibitor” includes “competitor” wherever the context permits and also the Exhibitor’s agent and anyone acting or purporting to act on his behalf whether or not he is
    employed by the Exhibitor. Where any Exhibitor is less than 18 years of age, “Exhibitor” also includes the person who has signed the entry form as the parent or guardian of
    the Exhibitor.
    “Show Grounds” means the Royal Show Grounds, Howard Road, Glenorchy, Tasmania.
    “Society” means the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania
    (RAST) and where the context allows its agents and subcontractors.
    “Show” means the Royal Hobart Show.
    In these regulations the singular includes the plural and vice versa, words importing persons shall include companies and corporations and words importing one gender shall
    include the other genders.


The Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania collects personal information from exhibitors in competitions conducted by the Society. Verification of the accuracy of this data may be obtained through contact with the RAST Section Secretary. This information is used only for the purpose related to the conduct of the events run by the Society and is not divulged to third parties. However, entrant’s names and contact details may be released to duly authorised parties in respect to matters of animal health and safety. The names of exhibitors may be included in catalogues published by the Society and successful exhibitors names released for general publication. If you do not provide the information requested on the competition entry form we may not be able to accept your entry.

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