7 MORE Deadly Website Sins that KILL Online Success

 In the previous article, “7 Deadly Website Sins that KILL Online Success” we looked at seven common problems which could hinder the success of your website.  Unfortunately there are many other factors that also have a detrimental effect on your website’s performance.

So here are 7 More Deadly Website Sins to Avoid:

  1. Broken Links/URLs
    A URL (User Resource Link) is a webpage address, I.e.  www.webdesignx.com.au . Sometimes these get broken when you delete, relocate or rename a webpage.  There is nothing more frustrating to a website visitor user than receiving a Page Not Found error message!  In fact, it’s a great way to generate a bad impression and negative word of mouth if too many people are inconvenienced by your broken web links.

    To avoid this problem you should ensure all links in your website’s navigation are kept up-to-date.  For the benefit of those who have bookmarked your webpages you can set up a redirect, so even though the URL has changed the user will be redirected to the new location.

  2. Avoid Long or Complex URLs
    Your URLs should be relevant to the content of your webpages. This is easier to understand by humans and provides Search Engines additional keywords to index.

    For example, say you have a webpage about “dog grooming” and the URL is:

    That is not very meaningful to either humans or Search Engines because it lacks relevant keywords.   It doesn’t say anything useful about the webpage’s content.

    However if your URL looked like this: https://www.yourwebsite.com/articles/dogs/grooming both people and Search Engines can immediately identify that URL will take them to an article about “dog grooming”.

  3. Pop Ups
    Avoid using pop-ups.  A pop up is a small webpage that appears overtop of your main website in a new browser window.  These tend to annoy users and many web browsers have “pop-up blockers” to prevent them from appearing. 

    In modern times it’s more acceptable to use a “Pop Over” which is a small window which appears overtop of your website, but in the same browser window.

    This website uses a Pop Over to alert new users of the free VIP benefits.  We can implement a similar feature into your website to help boost the number of leads generated.

  4. Lack of Archives
    Even your older information can hold value to your prospects.  Obviously outdated pricing, contact details and products/services won’t be helpful, but if you have articles or competition results you should definitely archive them.

    People search for historical information, so if you have the content you might as well offer it.  Search Engines also scour archive webpages for keywords to index, so having a comprehensive archive gives them more content to work with.  Just ensure your archives are clearly labelled and are easily to navigate.

  5. Not Keeping Your Information Up-to-date
    Even though your archived information can be asset, you should keep the remainder of your website current.  There is nothing worse than a webpage with information that is five years out-of-date!  It demonstrates neglect and unprofessionalism which definitely will NOT  build the trust of your prospects.

    Keep a note of webpages with time sensitive information and schedule reminders to update them. 

    If your website has a CMS (Content Management System) you can update the content any time you like.  But if you don’t have time or would rather not learn how to use a CMS, Your Web Design Expert can ensure the content of your webpages remains current.

    We can also remind you when it’s time to update. A couple of weeks before the information expires we’ll send you a notification Email so you can send us the updated information.   Then we take care of the rest!

  6. Splash Pages with No Real Purpose
  7. If you want a splash page then you better have a very good reason for having one – having one out of self-indulgence is a bad idea!   

    If you’re a filmmaker and wish to highlight your show reel, or if your business has a major exclusive promotion, then perhaps a splash page may be appropriate.  Otherwise, all a splash page does is create an unnecessary step between your prospects and the information they seek.

    People have short attention spans and they’re often in a hurry so they want to find information as quickly as possible.  So unless your splash page delivers benefits (E.g. it generates leads or promotes something of extreme importance), it is better to take people straight to the homepage, or the webpage containing the content they seek.

  8. The "if I build it, they will come" Delusion
    Never assume people will flock to your website the moment it’s been launched.

    In reality most people won’t know your website exists!  You need to proactively market your web content to a targeted audience before prospects will begin visiting.  Unless you already have a mailing list or social media following with thousands of prospects, it could take time to build momentum.

    If you’re starting from scratch you need patience and persistence, because a website is like a garden.  In the beginning you need to be attending to it every day to ensure it doesn’t die off, but once it’s established you can sit back a bit and reap the rewards.

    Of course this doesn’t mean you can slack off completely as you’re going to require ongoing marketing strategies and promotions to stay ahead of your competition.

In our next article we’ll be exploring methods of promoting your website.  This information is vital for increasing traffic and enabling your prospects to find your website, so be sure to check it out!

Want to kick butt?

If your website needs help with any of the 7 DEADLY Website Sins, don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below.  We can get it sorted in no time!

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