We send
you the
WIFI device
You Connect
Unlimited Internet
during yor travel
Share your
Dear «Name»,
We evaluate your partnership request positively.
However, we are expeciting some things from you during this partnership.
1. Instagram Stories
We mosty prefer Q/A's to inform our new clientele about the delivery and return preferences and the features of the device. Also you can share your %10 discount code (salah) with your audience.
2. Social Media Posts
We mosty leave this part to the influencers and content creators. We mostly use experience related posts in our feed because our devices help people have a relaxed and safe experience throughout their vacation. |
3. Stock Photos
We want to share our influencers' content during their experiences, even if you don't want to share, we will expect at last 3-5 photos from the places you visit with the device.
We appreciate your content and expect our devices to included in some for us to share and promote after the parntership sends. You can send your stories and photos to mark@rentnconnect.com.
Yours sincerely,
Rent N Connect Support |
A 10% discount code for your followers so you can promote your stories and posts.
If you have a problem with the delivery of your device, need to change the delivery location, or are experiencing connectivity problems, you can contact our customer support through:
WhatsApp or Phone Call
+90 850 885 15 96
Please prepare your ID before contacting customer support